Sunday, 29 July 2012

More croppings


Well if you have been following the Jet Stream then you will know that Summer has departed and we have returned to The Rainy Age....well ...unreliable sledding anyway. Hopefully someone will rearrange it again soon.

Meanwhile I'm taking reams of beans, gallons of courgettes, racks of rhubarb and streams of spinach.  lots of stuff!

My toms are rippening off so hopefully I will get  a decent crop.

I even saw a squirrel today. Hopefully he was eating someone elses stuff!


Wednesday, 25 July 2012



Well at last the jet stream has moved and the Summer is really finally here. This week continues to be Hot Hot Hot.

 Down on the Plot I continue to harvest spinach and rubarb and courgettes. Beans are begining to grow rampant and there will soon be a bean glut. My outdoor toms have been destroyed by blight and my indoor ones too which is killing me as they have produced a great crop. The fruits are just rotting on the vine.

I must say I am to blame as I havent been spending as much time as I'd like as I have been really busy with our Burger van down in St Ouen. ( Visit us at Hollyhock Caterers Jersey on Facebook) I am supplying my own onions for the van which I am very proud of !

Looking forward to going blackberrying as I think this year is going to produce a bumper crop.

Keep on keeping on!


Monday, 16 July 2012

Seemingly unnatural....


It appears that things have taken a turn....for the last! It's beautiful today and so have been very busy on the Plot. I feel like Sir Galahad as I have fought the good fight against evil....weeds!. I now have a huge pile of them wilting away. I tidied up my strawberries and was rewarded with one remaining beauty. I then harvested all my onions which have done brilliantly and are now drying out in the shed.I'm now taking courgettes which are small and sweet. I dug up the rest of my Maris Pipers and got a big bagfull. A little disappointing - plenty of spuds but no real size. Finished the peas and now waiting on the beans. Spinach is ready and have taken some for tonight. Squashes are looking mighty fine but my toms have blight so I'm going to loose my outdoor ones. I just hope my greenhouse toms will be ok as I have lots of fruit. Hopefully this bit of sun will stay long enough to start ripening them off. Chillies and peppers not doing much yet and cucumbers are a washout. Glads doing well and even the Daliahs are begining to flower.

So all in all a brilliant day. Now I've got lots of patches to fill.....

Keep on enjoying

Abitot :)

Thursday, 12 July 2012



 Probably the best Summer ever......................NOT!

There is absolutely NO POINT in discussing it any further because everyone in the Western Hemisphere knows that it's not nice at all.

For my followers who live in constant sunshine.....we live in RAIN!


Monday, 9 July 2012

Harvest continued


Yep it's all going well. Another dinner with my veg. A huge vat of veg soup....and it still keeps comming....... Yeeha! Glads are out too prettying up the place.



Monday, 2 July 2012

High Summer

Only joking......there is no bloomin Summer! Sorry to have been missing in action but I have been very busy with our new venture. We are the proud owners of a Catering buisness and we had our first weekend trading down St Ouen. Hollyhock Caterers available for Weddings, Birthdays and all other Events and Occasions.07797749119.  Probably the Best Burger Bar Bar None!

Meanwhile back on the Plot....things have gone MAD! In order ....Rhubarb cropping nicely, peas too, Maris Pipers - small but plentiful ( about 3 lb per plant). Beans - a little disappointing...taking their time to reach the top of their canes,beets comming along, carrots pretty reasonable...mildly surprised, garlick are good, shallots have been blown out, onions are doing nicely, turnips cropped.... about 15 lbs, other spuds....disaster. Squashes comming along as well as courgettes. Lettuce and spinnach looking good.  Outdoor toms growing up and I've just tied them up. Glads begining to flower but daliahs have a way to go. In the greenhouse toms are going bonkers and I'll hopefully have a great crop.  Chillies and peppers doing well all things considered.

Weeds! Hate em!

So we had our first dinner with all veg supplied by ME! Life's good.

Keep on keeping on!
