Sunday, 28 April 2013



Well the Weatherman got it totally wrong! He said it was going to get cold and drizzly. Well I tell you Sir it's been beatiful! Yes Indeedy!

Out and about again and more potting on...there is another term for it but I think it's a bit know what I mean! And some more diggin cos I love it so much. And a bit of weedin around my 300...which as I've probably said before are now about 70. Weed pile is now tidier but still huge. It is sorta turning into compost....I may just let it do just that!

Now then here's your promised treat......
 Kindly note ..I have cleared pile of weeds from the middle of the path. A new addition for 2013...Bob's Bamboo Bean Arbour...Narce! Also  Bob's Bean Trellis! Rhubarb....Stunning!
And a view from the bottom! The Greater Weedpile bottom left. I gave in and put in a load of spuds...well you got to Bi Cri! they're on the left and on the right from the top...strawberries, broad beans, peas, then rows of carrots, beets , parsnips etc.

and the Greenhouse of course. Lots and lots going on in here.
Well I hope you continue to enjoy!


Saturday, 27 April 2013

Super sunny!


Lots going on. More ....either sweed, beets or turnips (dont know what they are)...out.  Seeds sprouting.  Some  other green things ...out.  Bit of a theme going on here....nothing labeled!

Bit more digging done.

Still lots more to do though and now the battle to keep the weeds at bay. The plan is to keep hoeing before anything develops. Whether I can keep to the plan is another matter!

The Ladies are still being brilliant! 4 a day like clockwork.

Oh did I mention that today is Sunny? No?....well it is! Lovin it.

About to hit the Season for the Van. 3 day Boatshow and the Horses  next weekend and then 4 days of Horses for Liberation. Just going to pray for good weather. Busy busy.

Have a bit of a pumpkin glut.......

Keep on enjoying!


Monday, 22 April 2013



Now I'm either delusional or not understanding the whole pagehits thing. I'm over 1300 hits now and I don't really know if you're real people or just cyber miss - hits or whatever. If you have landed on my page for whatever reason please say hello and I might visit you back! Now I don't really care if you do or not as it's not really going to change my life but it's just nice to know that there's life out there.

Now then....rant over....onto the Plot. All great! Things are shooting along...I swear that my lettuces have doubled in size overnight. Stroll on! Still getting the odd snail in ...where do they come from?

Stuff is basically growing. Marvelous! All my pumpkins are up...a bit worried that they'll take over when they get going....I think I might plant a few in Pips without him seeing.! Heehee!

Apologies for slight madness...
Off now

Sunday, 21 April 2013


Greetings !
What a wonderful weekend....lots of sun.

Very quickly its Sunday night and close to bedtime.....lotsa spuds in....Royals, King Edwards and some other ones.

More thinning out and potting on in the greenhouse.

A bit more digging.......

Some Rhubarb harvesting......

and some stone sifting ... and lookee a new country or two..

Keep on enjoying






United States




Thursday, 18 April 2013




I hate snails. It's Official. Darn critters hide themselves away in the day and then come out at night and eat all my little seedlings. Spending lots of time hunting them and then feeding them to the ladies who love 'em!

On the Plot.....parsnips, turnips, sweeds,

Peas and beans looking good. 300 looking like 100 though :(

In the greenhouse almost everything up now and apart from the odd nibbled cabbage I'm quite happy.

Weather still good...warm and sunny.

Could harvest some rhubarb now!

Spuds chitting away in the shed and when I've got some more time they'll be in soon.

The Ladies are back up to 4 a day.

Graham's raspberry canes have survived and looking good.

It's all good!

Keep on enjoying Allotmenteers.


Monday, 15 April 2013

Field of....



Super Monday. Sun Sun Sun!!!!!

New sowings springing and all things rampant.

Four rows of carrots sown out.

Rhubarb resplendant.

The 300 soldiering on.



Sunday, 14 April 2013




Well Saturday was a washout! Sunday however much better...warm and sunny mostly. So we got a lot done...potted some more flowers on. Broad beans planted out and  a bamboo frame constructed around. Peas planted out. All looking good.


Friday, 12 April 2013


Well it's been a fabby week what with it being my birthday an all. Received some lovely presents...a book about chickens, a garden voucher and a book about old agricultural machines......some really good looking Fergies to get you going!
The ladies are coming along great....we've had a 4 3 4 Wed Thurs Fri! I've sold my first half dozen too.
The rain however is stalling my outdoor sowing! Darn it! Indoors I've been thinning out lettuce and potting on various flowers and cabbages and the like.  Chillies are coming through and beets doing well. Just need a bit more SUN now...please....thank you very much.

Was hoping to move the muck heap today....but it doesn't look like that's going to happen!

 Come on! It's so frustrating!!!!!!

Here's hoping Sunday will be better.

Keep on trying to keep on!


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Back to Summer


Well that's Spring over and back to Summer......Yep it's persisting down!What sort of World are we living in?

Korea about to start  a Nuclear Winter....well if you give a kid a box of toys...........



Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Grand Day!


What a lovely day! A bit of rain last night and a super sunny day.

Went up the Plot....did a bit of Arbour improving....followed by a bit of potting on and more sowing....beets (the ones that look like sweets) and purple sprouting. Very theraputic potting on.

Keep on enjoying!


Sunday, 7 April 2013



Have we reached a turning point? Has Summer arrived? We Bloomin well hope so and if this weekend is anything to go by it has! Brilliant and Glorious!
Well I was working the Van on Saturday  and today I had a few fab hours on the Plot. And yes the dream has come true and I have a very fine Bamboo Bean Arbour! With some laughing and shaking of heads from the neighbours I think I have done  a very fine job.

Did a little trading and got me a lawnmower for twenty squids. I've done the lawn..... and fine though it is  the mower is only good for a person of short stature! On the upside  it handles like a hoover and can be used one handed! So the Home Garden has had its first  brush upand looking good it is too!

Girls are wonderful!


Thursday, 4 April 2013




United States



United Kingdom

China                 1
Hello Followers All!   These are my pageviews this month. Great! Hello China!!
The girls produced 4 today. Wow.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


it's Official!


Well of course it is after all "Spring Forward" into SUMMER! There's not a cloud in the sky....the big yellow thing is visible.....yet it's bloomin freezing! Doesn't stop the greenhouse needing a watering...and the birds a feeding. Oh the joys of Allotment Life.

I've had an idea.... not a big one or even an earthshattering one.... but just a little one. I think I'm going to make me a little walkway archway down the middle of the plot with some of the big bamboo I cut. I can grow my beans up it and line the edges with all the hollyhocks and lupins and things. Narce! Might even have space for some veggies! It'll be great for the bees...when I eventually get round to it. What with the Glads and Daliahs already in we're going to look like Chelsea!

I love Summer!

Keep on Enjoying.


Monday, 1 April 2013


My nicely dug plot. Rhubarb on the right. The 300 down at the bottom. Weed pile...needs seiving and clearing. Offers?

 In the greenhouse some of my trays.

Broad beans.

The Supremes!

Only managed to get three out of the four.....they don't stand still for long!

Bank Holliday Monday

Hope you all had a lovely Easter. We had 12 for lunch and did....have a lovely day.
Well well well....the weather is bloomin lovely too! A bit breezy but in the greenhouse it's like a Summers day. Talking of which I've had a jolly good time in there too. All cleaned out and Bristol fashion. Loads more sowed....courgettes more beans and peas, toms and cucumbers. I now have 18 trays of stuff to water and look after. Oh and some pots of spring onions and leeks and some fresias on the go as well. Plot tilled over some more ....still a little reticent to sow out yet. Spoke to The Plots, Dave and Liz, not their real name...long story...but they have convinced me to do some spuds. I know I swore I wouldn't plant any more  but hey I'm a gardner and mustn't be put off be a little set back.  Gotta source me some Royals eh!

The Girls are looking good. Another egg today so we seem to be averaging one a day...not brilliant but good enough. Snail hunting is a full time hobby now as we know how much they like them. They are very pretty. ( My God !  what am I saying....chickens!)Photos very soon.

Graham came round with some raspberry canes...Brill!

So it's all good!

Keep on enjoying!
