Sunday, 27 October 2013


....Jude! Hurricane Jude.


yep we're braceing ourselves for some storminess.....

Pip's organising a Halloween/Bonfire Night next Friday. Celebrating a great Season of veg and egg production.

Seeds bought! It never ends.

Keep on.


Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Winter replenishing.


Yep....rain and plenty of it. Followed by lovely sunshine in the afternoon. Crazy.

Seeds...........list sorted. Ready to order. The usual suspects plus a few others.

Need to give the plot a hoeing as a carpet of green critters has sprung up.

And re shape / model ny bean arbour! What a disaster that was!

And I need to order another couple of 1000lt tanks.

Lots to do.

Keep Doing!


Sunday, 13 October 2013


Assssssss monkey weather! Well.....May be exaggerating a little!


My sincere apologies for neglecting you Follower. But to be fair.....and honest...not much left to say for this season. Just a few peppers and chillies left. One or two cabbages......and that's it!

Happened upon our local show at the RJHS....and my what a little revelation ! Had I but known I would have entered my rhubarb! But what a show....cattle and calves, chickens, giant rabbits and hares and various other furries and a whole array of little birdies and chickens. Also plenty of fruit and veg.  Well impressed. In fact so impressed that Pip and me are joining up to compete next year.

Chutney!......not a swear word but an afternoon of fun and wine! Resulting in jars of the stuff. Fab!

Keep on!
