Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Not a lotment.....

Greetings Fellow Enthusiasts of Shallotment!

And Nastrovia! to my Russian followers. Good God..two hits from Russia!  Heloooo Russia! Dix points!
Now my wonderment is exhausted  (unless new Russian friends actually leave a comment) I'll move onto more interesting stuff.

Yet another beauuutiful day here in Jerri and so much to do on the Plot. Bonfire  has done its stuff but with more digging done today its almost as big again! That said I'm almost almost done with digging up turf and the like. Put another 10' of anti Peter fence up. Getting there slow but sure and oohhh about another 50' to go. Then there's the other side to do but hell I'm going to leave that for another year. Sowed some Spring Onions and Leeks. Narce! Things are revving up. It'll be getting warmer an warmer soon and the weeks will just fly in and with stuff growing apace I'm going to be as busy as a mad thing.  Need to really start thinking what I want to grow 'cos as we all know there's really no point in growing stuff you're not interseted in eating unless of course you can sell it on.  Talking of selling I really want to get a Shallotment Club going and get everyone to chip in so we can have a little shop or something and then everyone with any excess can sell it.  Anyway thats for later once I've got upand running.  Gotta walk first! So for now its all prepwork and watch and wait.

Oh and I used my Grappin today just to run over the Plot. It's not exactly for that but it worked brilliantly!

Abetot......as we say in Jerri! 

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