Sunday, 29 April 2012



Got out on Plot yesterday! Hooray. Managed to  plant toms which I received through the post. (Grafted)  Thinned out and transplanted dozens of turnip plants. Interesting as we don't eat turnips. Never mind. I'm sure we'll find a use for them.They seem to be thriving on my manure  mix.

A big rat hole/ run appeared from the bottom fence. I don't know if it's worth doing anything about as no doubt there'll be other members of the rat family about. Poison or not to poison that is the question.

Put more beans out - hopefully these ones won't die. Maris spuds looking good. Took advice to spray for blight from Chris. But no doubt I'll have to do it again soon as it hasn't stopped raining today. It's like bloomin Winter!

Had a good "free stuff" haul too. 60 slabs. Brill. And the builder,  Jerry, is my new best friend! Gonna give me wood and stuff left over hopefully. You never know when stuff'll be useful.

Me "breakfast spuds" (the ones I planted last year which got blight and produced dozens to tiny spuds) have chitted in  my cupboard. I'd totally forgotton about them. I'm gonna put them in and see what happens. I know they're small but who knows?

Pip confessed to leaving the mystery plants I found. They are raspberries. Hopefully they'll take.

We'll that's about it for this weekend. Another week of work and then I'm off on my holls for a week in France. I hope the sun comes out!

Keep on enjoying.


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