Saturday 7 June 2014

Growing pains .....

Growing is painful.....from the top of the plot it's looking a bit like this....
Strawberries....not so bad but some are getting nibbled by critters.
Broad beans....slowly getting there but  being attacked by black fly .
Leeks...looking great.
Beets.....holding their own.
Onions .....loads and loads.
Lupins...beautiful but being swamped by aphids.
Spuds.... Started slow but finished fine... A touch of blight but nothing to worry.
Runner beans....beginning to run.
Sweet corn.......slowly slowly .
Chillies......coming along.
Parsnips.....doing ok.
Melons.....! Lol!
I think that's about it....all in all not so bad indeed. No real surprises and no disasters ...yet.
Growing conditions are perfect ....getting lots of sun and a bit of rain.
Loving it all.
Keep on Carrying On!